Rack Server Vs Blade Server: Which should you get?

Organizations with intense compute needs are often faced with the decision: Rack server or blade server. This post will take a look at key differences between the 2 systems, and advantages of each. Of course, your mileage may vary depending on your application. This post is designed as a wide-angle view of each type of system.

Let’s kick it off with rack servers.

Often called chassis server,  here are examples of rack ...

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Router vs. Switch: What is the difference?

Many people use the words router and switch inter-changeably. While the are similar, the reality is, they are different beasts. In this post we will keep this short and sweet, and look at a few key differences that set them apart.

The OSI Model

We first need to consider the 7-layer network architecture model, also called the OSI model. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is 7 individual layers that computing systems use to communicate. It was the earliest standardized model for ...

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VMWARE vSphere Essentials vs Essentials Plus: Do you need to Upgrade?

VMWare provides a bare metal hypervisor that allows you to partition your physical server into 2 or more virtual servers. This installs a layer between the bios and the operating system, and allows you to run multiple servers with multiple different types or versions of Operating systems.

bare metal hypervisor

VMWARE is designed to work with Intel/AMD based servers, like the Dell PowerEdge, and the ...

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Why Buy Maintenance for your IT Equipment?

You’ve worked hard to get your network and IT environment up and running and it’s running well. So, you can just leave things as-is and expect smooth sailing, right? The answer isn’t so straightforward.


To make the most out of your IT investment, it’s important to monitor and maintain it.

Think about it like this: routine maintenance on your car will only cost you a minimal amount to have a professional look through everything. However, not doing so over time can lead ...

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Limitations of buying used EMC storage – 5 Things to Consider

EMC storage is one of the most expensive investments that a business can make, and it’s not just a 1-and-done either. It will need to be refreshed when it gets too old.

It’s not uncommon for businesses to spend 5 to 6 figures on an EMC storage system, which is why some might consider buying a used system instead.

While it is a fantastic way to put tens of thousands back into your budget, there are limitations and precautions to be aware ...

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5 Questions for your Netapp Maintenance Provider


NetApp is a leader in data storage solutions. When the 3 year factory warranty (initial support period) runs out, you are left with 2 options:

Pay Netapp’s lofty price tag, or obtain 3rd party support.

Too many times we have seen support organizations accept support contracts on storage systems they know absolutely nothing about. They are gambling that they will be able to find the expertise and the parts if and when something goes wrong.

Before you make any decisions, these are some ...

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HPE 3PAR 7000 End of Service Announcement: EOSL 2022


HPE will officially retire the 3PAR 7200 and 3PAR 7400 systems October 31, 2022.


After this date, HPE will not renew any maintenance contracts, or answer service calls on any 7000 series system. Your options are:

  1. Retire the system, and migrate to a new system
  2. Obtain 3rd party maintenance for your 3PAR 7000 series storage system.
  3. Run the machine with no support.

3PAR 7000 series was first launched in 2014 as HP’s first product line  after the acquisition of 3PAR systems. HP named the equipment ...

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5 Tried and Tested Ways to Keep Your Servers Running

Servers are the backbone of your data.  They cannot be ignored and expected to perform without routine maintenance.

If you don’t spend the time proactively to take care of your servers, they can (and will eventually) malfunction or even crash without notice.

Whether Dell, HPE, IBM, Oracle, or another manufacturer, these basic maintenance steps will help extend the life of your servers for years to come.


Keep your servers updated with the latest software patches and updates. This ensures that they’re protected against ...

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IBM Server Maintenance: Why Switch to 3rd Party Support?

The IBM server has been a staple in the IT world for decades. It was first introduced by IBM as the System/360 in 1964 and it is still being used today.

You’ve invested in some of the best servers money can buy, and created one of the best infrastructures you can get.

You need top-shelf support to confidently keep your IBM servers running at their best.

Why you are here

IBM is notorious for their exorbitant maintenance costs after the initial warranty period. Once ...

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Say Goodbye To NetApp Support: End of Service Life


It is never a matter of “if” but “when” NetApp announces End of Service or End of life for your storage systems. When that time comes, it is time to take a look at what your options are.


Let’s take a look at the difference between the 2 terms:

  1. Netapp End of Life: The product will not be receiving any new features, bug fixes or security updates after the announced date. The machine can still remain on NetApp Manufacturer Support, and will ...
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