Easy maintenance tasks for your DellEMC Isilon Nodes

Good maintenance practices are a must if you want  maximize your DELLEMC Isilon’s uptime.   There are other benefits to routine maintenance besides the obvious benefit of uptime: it can offer performance advantages.

In this post, we are giving you some simple steps to help maintain the integrity and speed of your EMC Isilon clusters.

4 Basic Maintenance Procedures:

  • Inspect the physical environment.  Monitor temperature, humidity, and power distribution unit (PDU) statistics in the area where your Isilons are ...
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White label vs Back Line Support: What is the Difference?

In this post we will talk about the differences between backline and white label support as it pertains to enterprise-level IT equipment like servers, storage and networking equipment. The two terms are very similar and often used interchangeably, but have some key differences to note as well.

White label support

Selling third party maintenance is an easy and profitable way to provide value to the your customers. When you sell used hardware, it will typically come with 30 or 90 days warranty, ...

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NetApp OnTap SysConfig Commands – Gathering hardware information


The sysconfig command in Data OnTap provides the user a physical-system view of all the hardware in the storage system.

*Please note: this will not show logical units, only physical.

This command can be useful for a number of purposes, but namely: You can see total disk shelves and disks connected to the system, Host Bus Adapter (HBA) (also referred to as the NIC – Network Interface Controller), and internal componentry like processors and memory within the filer.

Sysconfig is often confused with ...

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Thinking of buying Used IT Equipment? It’s not what you think.

This post will focus on the used server market, its portrayal in the marketplace and what to look for in a used IT hardware reseller.

In the world of IT sales, the word “gray market” is thrown around with nonchalance by sales reps at large manufacturers and large reseller partners alike. The term is misapplied, and purposely used to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt. Some sales reps will even go as far as to refer to used IT hardware as stolen/counterfeit ...

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Rack Server Vs Blade Server: Which should you get?

Organizations with intense compute needs are often faced with the decision: Rack server or blade server. This post will take a look at key differences between the 2 systems, and advantages of each. Of course, your mileage may vary depending on your application. This post is designed as a wide-angle view of each type of system.

Let’s kick it off with rack servers.

Often called chassis server,  here are examples of rack servers: ...

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Router vs. Switch: What is the difference?

Many people use the words router and switch inter-changeably. While the are similar, the reality is, they are different beasts. In this post we will keep this short and sweet, and look at a few key differences that set them apart.

The OSI Model

We first need to consider the 7-layer network architecture model, also called the OSI model. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is 7 individual layers that computing systems use to communicate. It was the earliest standardized model for ...

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Why Buy Maintenance for your IT Equipment?

You’ve worked hard to get your network and IT environment up and running and it’s running well. So, you can just leave things as-is and expect smooth sailing, right? The answer isn’t so straightforward.


To make the most out of your IT investment, it’s important to monitor and maintain it.

Think about it like this: routine maintenance on your car will only cost you a minimal amount to have a professional look through everything. However, not doing so over time can lead ...

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Limitations of buying used EMC storage – 5 Things to Consider

EMC storage is one of the most expensive investments that a business can make, and it’s not just a 1-and-done either. It will need to be refreshed when it gets too old.

It’s not uncommon for businesses to spend 5 to 6 figures on an EMC storage system, which is why some might consider buying a used system instead.

While it is a fantastic way to put tens of thousands back into your budget, there are limitations and precautions to be aware ...

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5 Questions for your Netapp Maintenance Provider


NetApp is a leader in data storage solutions. When the 3 year factory warranty (initial support period) runs out, you are left with 2 options:

Pay Netapp’s lofty price tag, or obtain 3rd party support.

Too many times we have seen support organizations accept support contracts on storage systems they know absolutely nothing about. They are gambling that they will be able to find the expertise and the parts if and when something goes wrong.

Before you make any decisions, these are some ...

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