END OF LIFE Is NOT the End for your Storage System!

Though the major manufacturers (EMC, Hitachi, NetApp, IBM and HPE alike) will say otherwise, rest assured that EOL doesn’t = “dead.”  While it can vary from vendor to vendor, EOL is basically the point in the product’s life where the manufacturer has stopped selling it, and moves it to support-only. EOL just means you need to make an adjustment to the way your organization should approach hardware support and maintenance solutions when your renewal comes up.

If your objective is to ...

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HITACHI HUS End of Service Anouncement

Hitachi Vantara  (formerly Hitachi Data Systems) has announced that they will be discontinuing all service on their midrange storage line, HUS (Hitachi Unified Storage) effective June 30, 2021.

This announcement includes the following models from the HUS100 family:

  • Hitachi Data Systems HUS110 Storage System
  • Hitachi Data Systems HUS130 Storage System
  • Hitachi Data Systems HUS150 Storage System
  • Hitachi Data Systems HUS-VM Storage System

Service on the HNAS 3000 and 4000 series Network attached clusters that were sold ...

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NetApp OnTAP : 7-mode vs CDOT:

Which OS Is Right for you?

In this article we will take a brief look at what separates the 2 versions of NetApp’s OnTap Operating systems. Let’s start first with the older of the 2, 7 mode:


7-Mode is NetApp’s legacy ONTAP OS. While it is still supported on most filers, it is not supported on newer filers like the 8000 series (or newer) and 2500 series (or newer). 7-mode will eventually be phased out NetApp has stated that the current rev ...

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How to: Generate ISI Gather from EMC Isilon

When working with your support provider to troubleshoot an issue with your Isilon nodes, you may be asked to send your cluster’s log and configuration files. These files will help your support provider determine what is wrong. The file is large, often 1GB+, so it takes a few minutes to prepare it.

You’ll need to run an “ISI Gather” to collect this information. This process creates an archive file that contains all of your cluster’s log and configuration information.


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EMC End-of-Serivce-Life (EOSL) Tracker – Updated!

Now updated for 2023!

The End of Service Life (EOSL) date denotes when EMC will discontinue all support of that specific model.

Just because the model is no longer sold by the manufacturer does not make it any less effective or reilable. There are a variety of options for you to extend the life of your equipment, and use that IT budget for things you actually need, not things EMC tells you that you need.

If you are planning on utilizing the machine ...

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What happens when a Storage System goes EOL?

As a 3rd party support provider, we get asked this question a lot – “What can Iexpect when my system goes EOL? And how does it differ from EOSL? or EOSL?

These terms are all manufacturer-specifc, meaning what EMC and NetApp call EOL (End-of-life) IBM calls “Withdrawn from marketing”. First, Let’s take a look at what the terms mean, and the difference between them:


EOL – End of Life – In a nutshell, this only means that the manufacturer has discontinued the ...

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How to: Collect Logs from NetApp CDOT Array

Collecting logs from your NetApp CDOT Cluster Array provides a vital look in to the health of your CDOT array.

There are several reasons you may want to pull the logs: To determine what recent events occurred in the array in the event of a system error or failure or maybe your support company requested the logs to troubleshoot a problem, among others.

Here is a quick DIY on pulling the logs from your NetApp CDOT cluster: